30 Seconds Flat

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30 Seconds Flat
11 x 14
Acrylic on Paper

This work is part of a series of three, which is based on scenes from a movie the artist watched as inspiration. In this particular work, the idea at the forefront of the artists mind is the idea that sometimes you have to abandon people to save yourself. From the perspective of the character, this discipline is a survival mechanism when a person is in a very difficult situation and they must navigate out of it the best way they can. With that in mind, this work was created.

This work is also part of the "inclusivity" sale I have every year where I try to keep the price point at a level where more people can afford it. Most of my works end up in galleries are an exhibitions, and the price point is always higher for those because the costs are split with the gallery. And that's fine. That's the way it is. But I like to connect with people and so a few times a year I will sell works that ar, what I hope, are more inclusive. It's all about connecting works with people.